Board Members
Board Meetings

Hawthorn Academy follows the Utah Open Meetings Act and all meetings are open to the public.
Meeting information is posted at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance on the Utah Public Notice Website, along with previous meeting minutes and recordings.
Board meetings begin at 8:45 unless otherwise noted. Dates, times, and locations are subject to change with at least 24 hours notice. Board meetings are held at either of our two campuses, as indicated. You can download agendas and minutes via the Utah Public Notice website.
You can sign up to receive an email or RSS feed whenever the Hawthorn Academy Board of Directors has a public meeting by visiting the Utah Public Meeting Notices website.
Hawthorn Academy has established public comment procedures and rules of order and procedure. Our Board follows board bylaws which can be found here or under the policy and procedures tab.
Financial Oversight
In accordance with Utah Code Ann. Section 53G-7-309, the governing board receives a budget report each month. This budget report includes the following information: (i) the amounts of all budget appropriations; (ii) the disbursements from the appropriations as of the date of the report; and (iii) the percentage of the disbursements as of the date of the report. The current budget report is available for public review and previous reports are available by request to
Stakeholders of Hawthorn Academy may report concerns of fraud, waste, abuse, or non-compliance directly to the School’s administration or board. Alternatively, stakeholders may report such concerns directly to the Utah State Board of Education through their Public Education Hotline at (801) 538-7813. Full contact information for the Public Education Hotline can be found here.
The Governing Board oversees the financial health of Hawthorn Academy. The Board has an Audit Committee comprised of the board president and the board financial coordinator. All budgets are approved by the Governing Board and published on the Utah Public Finance Website.